Lumiere pic
Premonitions Following An Evil Deed
(Also known as "Monday Morning" and "Lumiere")

Policemen find the body of a boy, lying dead in a field. A woman waits at home. A garden tableau of three beautiful women stir. Strange men in overalls walk through a factory as a naked women is trapped in a water tank. The police arrive at a home with news for the woman waiting earlier.

"Premonitions Following an Evil Deed" is a part of the film Lumiere and Company. For the 100 year anniversary of the Lumiere camera, forty directors made one minute film segments using an original restored Lumiere camera. The ground rules were rigidly enforced: a continuous shot to be captured in a maximum of three attempts, no artificial light sources, no synch sound, and that this shot last a maximum of 55 seconds (the length of one reel of film for the camera). Lynch's short cost around $6000 to film and involved several different location changes. He skirted the rules by using his allowed three takes to close the shutter on the camera and move to a different set, thus creating the appearance of five different locations edited together..

Pictures Images from the film

The cast and crew


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Lumiere and Company is available on VHS and DVD:
cover Lumière et Compagnie

Includes Lynch's short, "Premonitions Following An Evil Deed"
cover Lumière et Compagnie
• All Regions
• Color, Black & White
• Production notes
• Theatrical trailer(s)
• Includes Lynch's short, "Premonitions Following An Evil Deed"

Lynch's Lumiere short is also available on the Short Films DVD available at the store at

"I like to make films because I like to go into another world. I like to get lost in another world. And film to me is a magical medium that makes you dream...allows you to dream in the dark. It's just a fantastic thing, to get lost inside the world of film."
- David Lynch, from Lumiere and Company
Lynch pic

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Lumiere and Company is copyright Cineteve, Igeldo Komunikazioa and Soren Staermose Ab La Sept Arte
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