Twin Peaks Star Pics Card 49
Horne's Department Store

Located in the main shopping district of Twin Peaks, east of Highway 21.

Points of Interest:
The largest store within five miles of Twin Peaks, Horne's Department store is just one part of the Horne family empire. With three expensive levels, Horne's is known for its contemporary men's and women's fashions. Whether shopping for a new mattress or the latest in French perfume, shoppers may want to use Horne's layaway plan.

Store hours are Monday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and until 9:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. Horne's is closed Sundays and holidays and offers half-price slaes on August 4th, in honor of Ben Horne's birthday.

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